New Printables for Summer on Etsy

Love Be Kind to Yourself Printable

With summer just around the corner, I've been itching to make some fun and lighthearted work. Annd. The perfect opportunity arose! Dusty was out of town this past weekend, so I was able to sit for a bit and digitize some lettering projects. The end result of a weekend spent with the Gilmore Girls and chocolate chips for dinner? Take a peek at the new printables up on Etsy!

Summer Coloring Printables Love Love Love
Everything will come together. Summer Coloring Printables.

Each printable pack comes with three versions of the art work. The pink color scheme, the green color scheme and a blank version for coloring. The summer printable 3-packs will be ON SALE for $1.50 through Friday 5/27. See the whole collection here

You should go for it! Coloring Printables by Mads Beaulieu.

I’m thinking about releasing a coloring pack soon with just the blank versions. I’ll be honest, most adult coloring books cause more stress for me. I can never stay in the lines. Maybe because I'm more of a line maker? Anyways, I just don’t find that kind of OCD inducing pressure relaxing. What do you think? Easy, fun coloring pack? Yay or nay?

Hello Beauty Art Print for Nursery
Love you Printable

Have any suggestions for quotes or sayings? Let me know in the comments of hit me up in IG. I've got a few awesome recommendations that are in the works already. :)

Hope all is well!
