With summer just around the corner, I've been itching to make some fun and lighthearted work. Annd. The perfect opportunity arose! Dusty was out of town this past weekend, so I was able to sit for a bit and digitize some lettering projects. The end result of a weekend spent with the Gilmore Girls and chocolate chips for dinner? Take a peek at the new printables up on Etsy!
Peach Painted Notecards Up in the Shop!
I started painting these little peach beauties when dealing with stressful situations at work. I would wake up super early, grab my coffee and sit in my studio before the sun rose. Maybe I should have been doing yoga or running, but I didn't have much energy at that time. I would fill my jar with water and grab my mom's old paint brush and just paint circles. Circles, on circles, on circles. I was thinking I'd wait and paint these on canvas, but I had all these blank note cards sitting around and thought - why wait? I should just make something.
Just make something. I think this phrase has influenced my life in so many ways. It was a common theme growing up. I would sit down when I was younger and just make something. It didn't quite mater what it was. Usually it was an off shoot of the arts and craft trend my mom was trying out at the time. (We had and still have so much fun!)
I just had to make. Make do. Make it work. Make.
My work situation has changed now. I'm working with Paint Love and also back at designing with Mad & Dusty. There's still stressful moments, but the kind that come from doing something you really believe in. It's more of a "You're doing something that makes you feel alive and pushing yourself to your edges" kind of stress. I'm not painting as many circles, but I still love these little guys. I'm proud of the period of time they represent. These peach circles are a good illustration of the fact that life moves in a circle. That every end is just a beginning, and that every beginning is also an end in some way. It's a symbol of growth and renewal, but also of familiarity and stability. Life doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful. Often, the most beautiful things are not perfect at all.
There's something so empowering about putting things up for sale. Ahh! If you'd like to purchase a set of three circle notecards, head over to our Etsy Shop and use the coupon code OCTOBER20 for 20% off the whole store. There's not much to choose from right this second, but we will be adding a ton of products this month! (Coupon will expire on 10/31.)
Thanks so much for reading and supporting Mad + Dusty as we grow!